How Our Custom Essay Writing Service Works

Commonly Asked Questions about Our Academic Writing Service
How does the Discount program work?
Once you make your first order The system will send you a Code to your email that you will use when making your second order.For reffering a friend Discount,Once your friend makes a order ,just send the admin a message in our contact page or use this email.( admin will confirm and send you 50% discount code.
Who are you and how can you help me?
We are a dedicated and experienced team of carefully selected academic writers, researchers, proofreaders, and editors who were born and reside in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Our company is a BBB member registered in the state of Illinois, USA. Be assured our friendly and knowledgeable staff will provide you with immediate, top-quality, and US-based customer support. All responses are personalized to the needs of the student; Superb Writers sales representatives are current or former academic professionals.Do you use previously written or published sample essays and term papers?
NO - we have zero tolerance for the use of pre-written works without proper citation. In fact, it is easier for us to custom write an example term paper or essay from scratch as we have constant access to numerous, relevant, and updated sources (both print and electronic). Superb's writers always read the required material before composing your example essay or term paper. When it comes to writing customized college essays, our rule is simple: if your writer doesn't have the necessary resources or enough time to write a coherent and quality term paper, we will not accept the assignment. We have worked very hard to earn the excellent reputation we possess, and we would never jeopardize it.What is your privacy policy?
All information that you supply us with when you order a paper from us - including your name, E-mail address, or writing samples - will remain strictly confidential. We do not make available any information that you send, fax, or upload available to anyone else (unless you violate one of the rules described in the Terms of Service or Disclaimer). Finally, we will never call you unless you request us to do so and give us your phone number. The Superb team is trustworthy!How much will your services cost me?
We are not the cheapest, but we are truly the best online custom essay and term paper writing service available (according to independent studies, our prices are average by comparison to other essay writing websites and represent the best combination of price and top academic quality). We first need to evaluate your assignment instructions according to required writing skills, knowledge, sources, and time spent on research. Our promise to you is that we will go that extra mile to get the job done right!$X.xx is too much for my budget...
We understand budgets! However, please consider the following. While we are more expensive than some other places (although we are cheaper than others), our higher quality makes it worthwhile. Here are some of the ways we ensure high quality:We cannot count the times students have sought our academic writing and research services only because they have already spent a lot of money on another service and been handed an unacceptable product -- with absolutely no recourse whatsoever. The bottom line is that you get what you pay for.